Laurie Green, MD
Laurie Green received her MD from Harvard Medical School, completing an internal medicine internship at Stanford University Hospitals and an obstetrics and gynecology residency at the University of California, San Francisco. In addition to a full-time obstetrics and gynecology practice, she served as president of the San Francisco Gynecological Society, the California Academy of Medicine, and the Harvard Medical School Alumni Association. She was a weekly on-air medical correspondent at the Bay Area’s KTVU television station for nearly a decade, having begun as a periodic women’s health commentator in 1982. As an outgrowth of the Harvard Medical School Alumni Council, she founded the MAVEN (Medical Alumni Volunteer Expert Network) Project, which recruits volunteer physicians—many retired or semiretired—to mentor, educate, and advise primary care providers in over 200 sites across the country. She is currently the vice chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco and the vice president of the San Francisco City and County Health Commission.